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Admissions Counselor

Gunner Robinson

Gunner Robinson


Get to know Gunner!


When did you start as a student at WKU?
Fall 2020


When did you start as a WKU Admissions Counselor?
Spring 2025


What is your favorite time of year at WKU?
Definitely late spring! Cherry blossoms blooming, temperatures rising and spending every minute outside on campus forgetting about my assignments due that night.


Where are you from?
Wilmore, Kentucky


What did you study in college?
I majored in Recreation Administration with a minor in Military Science.


Advice for new Hilltoppers?
My advice to new Hilltoppers is to make the most of the opportunities presented to you! This is the best time in your life to try new things and grow not just professionally but personally as well. Go to that club meeting, run for election as a Senator in SGA, play Grocery Bingo! There are an infinite number of opportunities to take advantage of in your time on the Hill, all that it takes is for you to be here!


What does the WKU experience mean to you?
The WKU experience to me means community. Coming here my Freshman year during Covid I was nervous about making new friends and finding my place. Little did I know that this is one of the most open and welcoming places in the Commonwealth! I was able to find my home and forge lifelong friendships through the Christian Student Fellowship, Army ROTC and far too many days spent in the Fitness Center at Preston. No matter where you’re coming from, I truly believe you will find the place you belong on the Hill!


My favorite WKU tradition and/or memory is:
Spending countless Game Days down on the field of the Houch cheering on our Hilltoppers and going up on the pushup board for every touchdown!


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 Last Modified 1/29/25